- 4x4 o Gas Metano
- Fino a 6 persone trasportate
- Anche in versione Ambulanza!
Great comfort
The elevation allows better usability
An Exclusive Absolute: Caddy Step Always completely modified by us to raise roof and rear doors.
A vehicle for every need: transporting people in a wheelchair or in Ambulance configuration, everything is possible.
The same executable solution for those looking for a Methane gas medium (which has the under-floor tank that could not be changed)
Finally industrialized with refined and refined lines, ready for big sale.
Available with servo assisted ramp or electro-hydraulic lift
For added comfort, you have chosen to set up a Volkswagen Caddy 4×4 Long Pass, allowing the wheelchair passenger to enjoy more space.
Up to 6 people transported with different configurations:
3 + 1 5 + 1 AMBULANCE